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About Us

The Yoga Movement is a small unique community, run by Katie (below) and based in Thanet but reaching across Kent. It was born out of a desire to bring the confusing and daunting world of yoga and wellness to everyone. You don't have to be super fit or stretchy to come along. We create class structures and gatherings that are open to you, wherever you are in your practice, your mind, and your body. We're building and developing every day and want you to be a part of it!


So check out what we do, bring yourself along just as you are and welcome to the Movement of movement.


Hi, I'm Katie

YTT 500 | TCTSY-F | Mindfulness and Embodiment Practitioner

Hi and welcome! My name is Katie Jayne, I'm a Kent-based fully qualified 500YTT Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga Instructor with further training in Functional Anatomy and Movement, Mindfulness-based living and Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY). Since coming into yoga as a depressed, highly anxious and untreated adhd teen, it has undoubtedly saved my life; giving me an anchor, a passion for life and a place to unlock, unwind and feel free. Fast forward 7 years teaching around the world, I'm now so blessed to be back in my hometown and working with some incredible people across Kent.


What I'm seeing in yoga spaces at the moment is exclusivity and elitism across multitudes of social dynamics, which is leaving people who are desperate for some solace mentally stuck in just getting to the studio doors. Thank heavens for online yoga spaces in these times, but healing also lies in community. So I'm desperately trying to fight for it. What we're aiming to do here is to carve out an inclusive space for all bodies and minds to feel welcome and safe while they explore movement. And in this way, I hope that one day you can also feel safe and welcome in your own beautiful body and the soul it houses.


I believe fiercely that yoga and movement can heal. Give it a chance, give you a chance, send me a message to connect and I look forward to meeting you.


Katie Jayne x
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